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Comparison with A.thaliana protein lists created by Borner GHH et al. (2002, 2003)

Birgit Eisenhaber (IMP/Austria)
Michael Wildpaner (IMP/Austria)
Frank Eisenhaber (IMP/Austria)
Carolyn Schultz (University of Adelaide/Australia)
Paul Dupree and Georg Borner (University of Cambridge/UK)

comparison: application of the big-Pi plant predictor on the list created by Borner GHH et al. (2002)
comparison: overlap of the big-Pi plant predictions in A. thaliana with the list created by Borner GHH et al. (2002)
the updated protein list (December 2002) created by Borner GHH et al. (Arabidopsis thaliana)
comparison: application of the big-Pi plant predictor on the list created by Borner GHH et al. (2003)
comparison: overlap of the big-Pi plant predictions in A. thaliana with the list created by Borner GHH et al. (2003)

Last modified: 21st March 2003