The Amylase Connection
Step 1 : BLAST-searches with PTG and closely related sequences ************************************************************** BLAST-search with PTG /:gpnew|U89924|1888566 protein phosphatase 1 binding prot... 1506 1.2e-154 1 /:trembl|S80360|RS3605_1 product: "hepatic glycogen-bindi... 568 3.0e-55 1 /:trembl|U88313|CEUF15G10_2 gene: "F15G10.1"; Caenorhabd... 211 4.2e-21 2 /:trembl|X78578|HSPPPAGB_1 gene: "PPP1R3"; product: "prot... 217 1.2e-16 1 /:trembl|M65109|OSRG1A_1 gene: "RG1"; product: "protein p... 212 3.9e-16 1 /:swissnew|P40036|GIP2_YEAST GLC7-INTERACTING PROTEIN 2./... 186 1.3e-13 2 /:swissnew|P40187|PIG2_YEAST GSY2 INTERACTING PROTEIN PIG... 172 1.2e-10 1 /:swissnew|P28006|GAC1_YEAST PROTEIN PHOSPHATASE 1 REGULA... 155 2.1e-08 1 /:swiss|P28006|GAC1_YEAST GAC1 PROTEIN.//:trembl|X63941|S... 155 2.1e-08 1 /:swissnew|Q06216|PIG1_YEAST PROTEIN PHOSPHATASE 1 REGULA... 96 0.00013 2 /:swiss|P07683|AMYG_RHIOR GLUCOAMYLASE PRECURSOR (EC 3.2.... 104 0.0085 1 Reciprocal BLAST-searches with the animal (PTG, rGl, cGl, hGl, RG1) and yeast (GIP2, PIG2, GAC1, PIG1) phosphatases return the same family. AMYG_RHIOR is a modular protein. The first 150 amino acid have a similarity to a domain in the phosphatases. Then, the catalytic domain follows in the sequence. A reciprocal BLAST-search with the first 200 amino acids of AMYG_RHIOR (a fungal glycoamylase of family 15) returns phosphatases (including PTG with P=2.e-8 !! and also GAC1, PIG2, RG1, and GIP2 in the twilight zone) as well as two other amylases: /:pironly|JC4510|JC4510 alpha-amylase (EC precur... 126 2.8e-07 1 --> Lipomyces kononenkoae (yeast) /:swiss|P42042|AMYG_ARXAD GLUCOAMYLASE PRECURSOR (EC 3.2.... 96 4.1e-06 2 --> ARXULA ADENINIVORANS. EUKARYOTA; FUNGI; DEUTEROMYCOTINA (IMPERFECT FUNGI). SIMILARITY: BELONGS TO FAMILY 15 OF GLYCOSYL HYDROLASES. /:gpnew|U89924|1888566 protein phosphatase 1 binding prot... 103 5.2e-05 1 /:swissnew|P28006|GAC1_YEAST PROTEIN PHOSPHATASE 1 REGULA... 76 0.00023 3 /:swiss|P28006|GAC1_YEAST GAC1 PROTEIN.//:trembl|X63941|S... 76 0.00023 3 /:swissnew|P40187|PIG2_YEAST GSY2 INTERACTING PROTEIN PIG... 100 0.00085 1 /:trembl|M65109|OSRG1A_1 gene: "RG1"; product: "protein p... 99 0.0031 1 /:swissnew|P40036|GIP2_YEAST GLC7-INTERACTING PROTEIN 2./... 91 0.024 1 /:trembl|S80360|RS3605_1 product: "hepatic glycogen-bindi... 87 0.033 1 Regions of sequence similarity as given in BLAST alignments in the BLAST output of the PTG search (sequence positions as in the original sequences): PTG 33-293 rGl 31-283 131-237 cGl 173-280 60-234 hGl 61-229 33-241 RG1 36-239 144-233 GIP2 437-533 146-233 PIG2 408-507 149-249 GAC1 258-375 120-199 PIG1 206-275 134-233 AMYG_RHIOR 34-126 I.e., the N-terminus of the domain studied is defined by the sequence of AMYG_RHIOR. The C-terminus is confined by some short phosphatases (PTG, cGl). Regions of sequence similarity as given in BLAST alignments in the BLAST output of the AMYG_RHIOR search (sequence positions as in the original sequences): AMYG_RHIOR 35-127 JC4510 49-130 36-129 AMYG_ARXAD 36-131 Step 2 : Extraction of sequence motifs for MOST-searches ******************************************************** We produced a multiple alignment of the 10 sequences (9 phosphatases and AMYG_RHIOR) with clustalw. Two most significant motifs could be extracted. motif 1 ******* VFVKNIYFDK ILVKNIFYDK VYVKNLSFEK IFVNNLNFEK IRVLNISFEK IRVLNVSFEK VKVKNVSFEK VKVQNLAFEK IKVGNIAFEK IYVKNIAYSK results of the MOST-search: --> only hits with low significance (E>0.242 and R>0.019) VC21_VACCC CEF54F7 (KIN, tRNA) SSD902 (only one of the proteins) AMYG_ARXAD (was already found --> reciprocal BLAST with AMYG_RHIOR) MOST output: ....:....|. Score Expected Ratio >/:swiss|P21105|VC21_ 97: VFmKNISFDK 168, 0.242 0.0192 >/:tremblnew|Z67755|C 300: VFVNNLdFDK 165, 0.334 0.0263 >/:trembl|D90902|SSD9 465: VKVLNIYFgK 161, 0.491 0.0409 >/:swiss|P42042|AMYG_ 50: aFVKNLSYDK 159, 0.579 0.0494 >/:swissnew|P28006|GA ! 3 262: VYVKNLSFEK 207, 0.000366 0.000177 >/:swissnew|P40187|PI ! 1 412: VFVKNIYFDK 200, 0.00169 0.000548 >/:tremblnew|U89924|M ! 6 150: VKVKNVSFEK 198, 0.00241 0.000586 >/:trembl|U88313|CEUF ! 8 194: IKVGNIAFEK 192, 0.00717 0.0014 >/:trembl|S80360|RS36 ! 7 148: VKVQNLAFEK 191, 0.00854 0.00139 >/:swissnew|Q06216|PI ! 4 228: IFVNNLNFEK 188, 0.0143 0.00175 >/:swiss|P07683|AMYG_ ! 9 50: IYVKNIAYSK 188, 0.0143 0.00175 >/:trembl|M65109|OSRG ! 5 148: IRVLNISFEK 183, 0.0329 0.0036 >/:swissnew|P40036|GI ! 2 443: ILVKNIFYDK 177, 0.0788 0.00796 motif 2 ******* EYWDNNDSANY EYWDNNNGNNY TYYDNNNGKNY SFYDNNDYKNY TFWSNNNGTNY TFWSNNNGTNY IFWDNNEGQNY SYWDSNKGKNY EYWDSNSGTNY TYYDNNNSANY results of the MOST-search: two new glycohydrolases 1) AMY_CLOAB|P23671 CLOSTRIDIUM ACETOBUTYLICUM SIMILARITY: BELONGS TO FAMILY 13 OF GLYCOSYL HYDROLASES MOST output: ....:....|. Score Expected Ratio >/:swiss|P23671|AMY_C 452: gtWDNNNSNNY 196, 0.019 0.00155 >/:swissnew|P40036|GI ! 2 521: EYWDNNNGNNY 264, 7.43e-07 7.19e-07 >/:swissnew|P28006|GA ! 3 347: TYYDNNNGKNY 256, 3.97e-06 1.28e-06 >/:swissnew|P40187|PI ! 1 495: EYWDNNDSANY 247, 2.17e-05 5.25e-06 >/:trembl|S80360|RS36 ! 7 219: SYWDSNKGKNY 240, 6.9e-05 1.33e-05 >/:trembl|M65109|OSRG ! 5 219: TFWSNNNGTNY 239, 8.17e-05 7.89e-06 >/:gpnew|U89924|18885 ! 6 221: IFWDNNEGQNY 239, 8.17e-05 7.89e-06 >/:trembl|U88313|CEUF ! 8 265: EYWDSNSGTNY 239, 8.17e-05 7.89e-06 >/:swiss|P07683|AMYG_ ! 9 117: TYYDNNNSANY 239, 8.17e-05 7.89e-06 >/:swissnew|Q06216|PI ! 4 318: SFYDNNDYKNY 227, 0.000447 3.93e-05 2) SLAMLC_2|Z86113; "amlC"; S.lividans amlC gene MOST output: ....:....|. Score Expected Ratio >/:tremblnew|Z86113|S 86: GTWDNNgGeNY 202, 0.0101 0.000755 >/:swissnew|P40036|GI ! 2 521: EYWDNNNGNNY 270, 1.68e-07 1.62e-07 >/:swissnew|P28006|GA ! 3 347: TYYDNNNGKNY 257, 4.8e-06 1.55e-06 >/:swissnew|P40187|PI ! 4 495: EYWDNNDSANY 250, 1.81e-05 4.37e-06 >/:swiss|P07683|AMYG_ ! 9 117: TYYDNNNSANY 242, 6.71e-05 1.3e-05 >/:trembl|S80360|RS36 ! 5 219: SYWDSNKGKNY 239, 0.000103 1.67e-05 >/:trembl|M65109|OSRG ! 6 219: TFWSNNNGTNY 238, 0.000119 1.43e-05 >/:gpnew|U89924|18885 ! 7 221: IFWDNNEGQNY 237, 0.000137 1.48e-05 >/:trembl|U88313|CEUF ! 8 265: EYWDSNSGTNY 236, 0.000159 1.53e-05 >/:swiss|P23671|AMY_C ! 1 452: GTWDNNNSNNY 230, 0.000358 3.15e-05 >/:swissnew|Q06216|PI ! 10 318: SFYDNNDYKNY 227, 0.000528 4.26e-05 There are internal repeats in AMY_CLOAB (3 repeats) and in SLAMLC_2 (2 repeats). Independent BLAST searches were carried out with each repeat. results of reciprocal BLAST-searches with SLAMLC_2 (first 210 amino acids): many new amylases /:trembl|Y00150|BPAMYB_1 product: "precursor polypeptide"... 371 1.9e-33 1 /:swiss|P21543|AMYB_BACPO BETA-AMYLASE (EC / ALP... 368 9.9e-33 1 /:trembl|X53373|UCDSMAMY_1 product: "precursor polypeptid... 305 8.5e-26 1 /:swiss|P06547|AMYB_BACCI BETA-AMYLASE PRECURSOR (EC 3.2.... 184 1.5e-13 1 /:trembl|X55452|BSG6AMA_1 gene: "G6-amylase"; Bacillus s... 181 6.6e-13 1 /:swiss|P23671|AMY_CLOAB PUTATIVE ALPHA-AMYLASE (EC 3.2.1... 137 1.2e-08 1 There are internal repeats in AMYB_BACPO and (less pronounced) also in UCDSMAMY_1. Step 3 : Extraction of sequence profiles for SEARCHWISE-searches **************************************************************** production of a multiple alignment of the amylases (including their repeats) found in step 2 with clustalw and extraction of a pattern for the alignment part including motifs 1 and 2 SEARCHWISE-output (BLOSUM62): 1 19470 535 :swiss|P21543|AMYB_BACPO BETA-AMYLASE (EC / ALPHA-AMYLASE (EC 2 19340 648 :trembl|Y00150|BPAMYB_1 product: "precursor polypeptide"; B.polymyxa 3 18560 538 :swiss|P06547|AMYB_BACCI BETA-AMYLASE PRECURSOR (EC (1,4-ALPH 4 18230 1054 :trembl|X53373|UCDSMAMY_1 product: "precursor polypeptide (AA -37 to 1 5 17600 206 :tremblnew|Z86113|SLAMLC_2 gene: "amlC"; S.lividans amlC gene //:gpne 6 17180 940 :trembl|X55452|BSG6AMA_1 gene: "G6-amylase"; Bacillus sp. H-167 G6-am 7 13146 371 :swiss|P23671|AMY_CLOAB PUTATIVE ALPHA-AMYLASE (EC (1,4-ALPHA --> new findings 8 4748 887 :swiss|P30269|AMY_BUTFI ALPHA-AMYLASE PRECURSOR (EC (1,4-ALPH 9 4660 229 :trembl|S80360|RS3605_1 product: "hepatic glycogen-binding subunit pro 10 4568 427 :trembl|X95759|STSS_1 product: "glycogen (starch) synthase"; S.tubero 11 4568 427 :tremblnew|X94400|STSSSIII_1 gene: "SSSIII"; product: "soluble-starch- 12 4500 278 :trembl|U88313|CEUF15G10_2 gene: "F15G10.1"; Caenorhabditis elegans c 13 4460 231 :tremblnew|U89924|MMU89924_1 product: "protein phosphatase 1 binding p 14 4450 531 :swissnew|P40036|GIP2_YEAST GLC7-INTERACTING PROTEIN 2.//:swiss|P40036 SEARCHWISE-output (GON250): 1 19940 535 :swiss|P21543|AMYB_BACPO BETA-AMYLASE (EC / ALPHA-AMYLASE (EC 2 19840 648 :trembl|Y00150|BPAMYB_1 product: "precursor polypeptide"; B.polymyxa 3 19610 1054 :trembl|X53373|UCDSMAMY_1 product: "precursor polypeptide (AA -37 to 1 4 18980 538 :swiss|P06547|AMYB_BACCI BETA-AMYLASE PRECURSOR (EC (1,4-ALPH 5 18800 208 :tremblnew|Z86113|SLAMLC_2 gene: "amlC"; S.lividans amlC gene //:gpne 6 18510 940 :trembl|X55452|BSG6AMA_1 gene: "G6-amylase"; Bacillus sp. H-167 G6-am 7 14148 466 :swiss|P23671|AMY_CLOAB PUTATIVE ALPHA-AMYLASE (EC (1,4-ALPHA --> new findings 8 7324 887 :swiss|P30269|AMY_BUTFI ALPHA-AMYLASE PRECURSOR (EC (1,4-ALPH 9 6754 599 :trembl|U22045|BS22045_1 gene: "Amy"; product : "alpha-amylase"; Bacil --> less likely new findings 10 6251 612 :swiss|P14804|AMYG_NEUCR GLUCOAMYLASE PRECURSOR (EC (GLUCAN 1 11 6044 555 :trembl|D49448|CRGG2A_1 product: "glucoamylase G2"; Corticium rolfsii 12 5601 372 :pdb|1INV|1INV Influenza bLEE40 neuraminidase (sialidase) complexed wi The starch synthetases STSS_1 and STSSSIII_1 contain internal repeats. Reciprocal BLAST-searches with the starch synthetases as well as with AMY_BUTFI do not give new hits in the region of the profile. Step 4 : BLAST-searches with the sequence of BS22045_1 ****************************************************** region of similarity with the profile amyg-2w-gon250 * * * * * * * * * * * amyg-2w-go 41 GGWTAVPGVAMvSAEDGGWa.KITVPIGsASQLNAAFNNGSGt..WDNNNGNNYN BS22045_1 542 GNWNTANAIKMNPSSYPTWKATIALPQGKAIEFKFIKKDQAGNVIWESTSNRTYT amyg-2w-go 93 FS BS22045_1 597 VP BLAST-results with BS22045_1 (last part of the sequence) /:trembl|U22045|BS22045_1 gene: "Amy"; product: "alpha-am... 630 8.1e-62 1 /:pdb|1CYG|1CYG Cyclodextrin glucanotransferase (cgtase) 249 2.1e-21 2 /:swiss|P31797|CDGT_BACST CYCLOMALTODEXTRIN GLUCANOTRANSF... 249 2.5e-21 2 /:swiss|P31746|CDGT_BACS2 CYCLOMALTODEXTRIN GLUCANOTRANSF... 220 2.0e-20 2 /:trembl|D13068|BSCYGT_1 product: "cyclodextrin glucanotr... 220 2.2e-20 2 /:swiss|P22998|AMY_STRVL ALPHA-AMYLASE PRECURSOR (EC 3.2.... 245 3.6e-20 1 /:swiss|P19584|AMYB_THETU BETA-AMYLASE, THERMOPHILIC PREC... 228 1.0e-19 2 /:pdb|1CIU|1CIU cyclodextrin glycosyltransferase(cgtase) 216 1.8e-18 2 /:swiss|P26827|AMY_THETU ALPHA-AMYLASE PRECURSOR (EC 3.2.... 216 2.0e-18 2 /:pdb|1CGT|1CGT Cyclodextrin glycosyltransferase 199 4.9e-16 2 /:pdb|1CGU|1CGU Cyclodextrin glycosyltransferase mutant w... 199 4.9e-16 2 /:swiss|P27036|CDGT_BACOH CYCLOMALTODEXTRIN GLUCANOTRANSF... 208 5.4e-16 1 /:trembl|D90243|BOCGTAA_1 B.ohbensis CGT gene for cyclode... 208 5.4e-16 1 /:swiss|P30920|CDGT_BACCI CYCLOMALTODEXTRIN GLUCANOTRANSF... 199 5.7e-16 2 /:swiss|P14014|CDGT_BACLI CYCLOMALTODEXTRIN GLUCANOTRANSF... 199 5.7e-16 2 /:trembl|A18991|A18991_1 product: "gamma-cyclodextrin gly... 207 6.8e-16 1 /:swiss|P17692|AMYR_BACS8 RAW-STARCH-DIGESTING AMYLASE PR... 199 7.1e-16 2 /:pdb|1CDG|1CDG Cyclodextrin glycosyltransferase (cgtase)... 197 1.0e-15 2 /:pdb|1CGV|1CGV Cyclomaltodextrin glucanotransferase (cgt... 197 1.0e-15 2 /:pdb|1CGW|1CGW Cyclomaltodextrin glucanotransferase (cgt... 197 1.0e-15 2 /:pdb|1CGX|1CGX Cyclomaltodextrin glucanotransferase (cgt... 197 1.0e-15 2 /:pdb|1CGY|1CGY Cyclomaltodextrin glucanotransferase (cgt... 197 1.0e-15 2 /:pdb|1CXF|1CXF cyclodextrin glycosyltransferase(cgtase)M... 197 1.0e-15 2 /:swiss|P43379|CDGU_BACCI CYCLOMALTODEXTRIN GLUCANOTRANSF... 197 1.2e-15 2 /:swiss|P30270|AMY_STRGR ALPHA-AMYLASE PRECURSOR (EC 3.2.... 202 1.6e-15 1 /:swiss|P09794|AMY_STRLM ALPHA-AMYLASE PRECURSOR (EC 3.2.... 202 1.6e-15 1 /:trembl|D49448|CRGG2A_1 product: "glucoamylase G2"; Cor... 202 1.7e-15 1 /:trembl|Z85949|SLAMLB_1 gene: "amlB"; product: "alpha-am... 201 2.1e-15 1 /:swiss|P31835|CDG2_BACMA CYCLOMALTODEXTRIN GLUCANOTRANSF... 202 2.4e-15 1 /:pdb|1PAM|1PAM-A cyclodextrin glucanotransferasebiologic... 201 2.9e-15 1 /:swiss|P09121|CDGT_BACS3 CYCLOMALTODEXTRIN GLUCANOTRANSF... 201 3.1e-15 1 /:swiss|P05618|CDGT_BACS0 CYCLOMALTODEXTRIN GLUCANOTRANSF... 201 3.1e-15 1 /:swiss|P30921|CDGT_BACSP CYCLOMALTODEXTRIN GLUCANOTRANSF... 200 4.0e-15 1 /:swiss|P31747|CDGT_BACSS CYCLOMALTODEXTRIN GLUCANOTRANSF... 191 4.1e-15 2 /:pdb|1KUL|1KUL glucoamylasefragment: binding domain, res... 185 1.2e-14 1 ... and many more amylases and related enzymes Reciprocal BLAST-searches with the related sequence portions do not produce new hits but verify the family. Step 5 : The multiple alignment ******************************* five groups of sequences related to PTG group G1-ptg.lis **************** swissnew:pig2_yeast swissnew:gip2_yeast swissnew:gac1_yeast swissnew:pig1_yeast RG1.gcg PTG.gcg hGl.gcg rGl.gcg cGl.gcg swissprot:amyg_rhior group G2-arxad.lis ****************** swissprot:amyg_arxad JC4510 (Lip.kon.) group G3-slam.lis ***************** amycloab_1 amycloab_2 amycloab_3 slamlc_21 slamlc_22 amyb_bacci.swissprot amyb_bacp1 amyb_bacp2 bpamyb_1.trembl bsg6ama_1.trembl ucdsmamy_1.trembl group G4-stss.lis ***************** stss_1 stsssiii_i (two highly homologous starch synthetase sequences) group G5-bs22.lis ***************** bs22045_1 1cgt -- 13 swissprot:AMYB_BACCE -- 14 1kul -- 15
Step 6 : TBLASTN searches in the EST-database ********************************************* PTG /:embl|W28890|HSW28890 53b9 Human retina cDNA rando... +2 732 1.1e-71 1 /:embl|W19091|HS091325 zb14g10.r1 Soares fetal lung... +1 587 6.2e-61 2 /:embl|AA112835|HSAA12835 zn54e03.r1 Stratagene muscle... +2 600 2.5e-57 1 /:embl|R84901|HSR84901 yq27d11.r1 Soares fetal live... +2 458 2.8e-42 1 /:embl|T72137|HS13745 yc63h12.r1 Homo sapiens cDNA... +2 395 1.2e-35 1 /:embl|Z42059|HSC07C021 H. sapiens partial cDNA sequ... +3 341 1.3e-29 1 /:embl|R06045|HS04575 ye89f05.r1 Homo sapiens cDNA... +2 214 1.9e-16 1 /:embl|N88218|HSN2182 K2200F Fetal heart, Lambda Z... +2 201 6.2e-15 1 /:embl|H14696|HS696163 ym19g01.r1 Homo sapiens cDNA... +2 178 1.3e-12 1 /:embl|AA094222|HSAA94222 cl2316.seq.F Fetal heart, La... +2 180 2.2e-12 1 /:embl|AA089749|HSAA89749 chn1002.seq.F Fetal heart, L... +2 164 1.8e-10 1 /:embl|R10183|HS18380 yf35c07.r1 Homo sapiens cDNA... +3 149 6.7e-09 1 --> this is a new human paralogue of PTG /:embl|R04030|CB0301 pk16h02.s1 Caenorhabditis br... +1 81 0.30 1 rGl /:embl|W28890|HSW28890 53b9 Human retina cDNA rando... +2 453 4.0e-42 1 /:embl|W19091|HS091325 zb14g10.r1 Soares fetal lung... +1 337 7.2e-33 2 /:embl|AA112835|HSAA12835 zn54e03.r1 Stratagene muscle... +2 348 1.3e-30 1 /:embl|R84901|HSR84901 yq27d11.r1 Soares fetal live... +2 254 1.2e-20 1 /:embl|Z42059|HSC07C021 H. sapiens partial cDNA sequ... +3 240 6.5e-19 1 /:embl|T72137|HS13745 yc63h12.r1 Homo sapiens cDNA... +2 190 6.3e-14 1 /:embl|R10183|HS18380 yf35c07.r1 Homo sapiens cDNA... +3 141 5.6e-08 1 all in the same region cGl /:embl|R04030|CB0301 pk16h02.s1 Caenorhabditis br... +1 209 1.9e-15 1 /:embl|W28890|HSW28890 53b9 Human retina cDNA rando... +2 167 1.0e-09 1 /:embl|Z42059|HSC07C021 H. sapiens partial cDNA sequ... +3 125 2.9e-06 1 /:embl|AA112835|HSAA12835 zn54e03.r1 Stratagene muscle... +2 106 0.00021 1 hGl /:embl|W28890|HSW28890 53b9 Human retina cDNA rando... +2 191 4.9e-14 1 /:embl|AA112835|HSAA12835 zn54e03.r1 Stratagene muscle... +2 130 2.4e-07 1 /:embl|W19091|HS091325 zb14g10.r1 Soares fetal lung... +1 128 6.7e-07 1 /:embl|Z42059|HSC07C021 H. sapiens partial cDNA sequ... +3 114 3.2e-05 1 /:embl|H21088|HS088173 yn65b01.s1 Homo sapiens cDNA... +1 110 4.8e-05 1 /:embl|H86973|HS973241 yt07f12.s1 Homo sapiens cDNA... +3 106 0.00017 1 /:embl|H20799|HS799168 yn64g01.s1 Homo sapiens cDNA... +3 109 0.00024 1 GIP2 /:embl|W28890|HSW28890 53b9 Human retina cDNA rando... +2 152 1.2e-09 1 /:embl|Z42059|HSC07C021 H. sapiens partial cDNA sequ... +3 124 1.3e-06 1 /:embl|AA112835|HSAA12835 zn54e03.r1 Stratagene muscle... +2 104 9.0e-05 1 /:embl|R10183|HS18380 yf35c07.r1 Homo sapiens cDNA... +3 94 0.0019 1 /:embl|W19091|HS091325 zb14g10.r1 Soares fetal lung... +1 92 0.0062 1
Author: on internet.