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Plants: Prediction function parametrization

Birgit Eisenhaber (IMP/Austria)
Michael Wildpaner (IMP/Austria)
Frank Eisenhaber (IMP/Austria)
Carolyn Schultz (University of Adelaide/Australia)
Paul Dupree and Georg Borner (University of Cambridge/UK)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# package *-> main.Linux_i686 <-*
# *******************************
# copyright by Birgit Eisenhaber, September 1997
#              E-mail
#              WWW
#              Post   IMP, Dr. Bohr-Gasse 7, A-1030 Vienna, Austria
#              Tel.   +43-1-79730557, FAX +43-1-7987153
# All rights reserved.
# name of executable           : main.Linux_i686
# time of program compilation  : Feb  6 2003 (13:15:47)
# time of program execution    : Thu Feb  6 13:20:13 2003
# version of the code          : Revision: 3.1 (Date: 2001/04/05 15:38:48)
ReadAapLib: AAProperty library opened
Number of entries in AapLib: <682>
-->All selects were switched on.

Selection parameters:
0:     PToken: OC   
    is_SToken: 0
       expect: 1

-->begin GPI-site evaluations
-->ReadGPILib: GPI library opened
number of entries of file 1                   :   388
number of accepted entries of file 1          :   388
total number of entries                       :   388

-->GPIStatistic_Length: GPILibNumber = 1
Lmin                :  14 ( entry: PAG1_TRYBB, file: 1 )
Lmax                :  32 ( entry: T06041, file: 1 )
deltaL              :   5
number of intervals :   4
interval of length   from     to    number of entries
                 1     14     19                   25
                 2     20     24                  183
                 3     25     29                  151
                 4     30     34                   29
total number of entries                       :   388

-->Statistic_taxonomy of GPILib 1 / total number of entries 388
     1 VIRUSES
   120 ..METAZOA
     5 ....INSECTA
   113 ....VERTEBRATA
     3 ......PISCES
     5 ......AVES
   105 ......MAMMALIA
    55 ........PRIMATES
    10 ..FUNGI
    38 ..PROTOZOA
   219 ..Viridiplantae

-->degree of the polynom for fitting: 6
-->Calc_EVD_Param_PolyFit: file of values  opened
SSerr =       12.24452810
The 7 polynomial coefficients (starting from the lowest power on) are:
beta[0] = -7.608233e+00
beta[1] = -3.064603e-01
beta[2] = -6.636068e-03
beta[3] = -9.337898e-05
beta[4] = -7.492552e-07
beta[5] = -3.064883e-09
beta[6] = -4.928117e-12

Thresholds for GPI-anchor selecting:
   P-site: score =   2.00  p = 2.616277e-04
   S-site: score =  -2.00  p = 8.924251e-04
-->All flags were switched on.

-->Switch_Off_Tax: number of entries before procedure : 388
-->Flags of all entries except Viridiplantae switched off
-->Switch_Off_Tax: number of entries after procedure : 219

-->Switch_Off_Len: number of entries before procedure : 219
-->Flags of all entries with AALen-GPIPos > 32 switched off
-->Flags of all entries with AALen-GPIPos < 17 switched off
-->Switch_Off_Len: number of entries after procedure : 219

possible largest subset found: Q =  215
possible largest subset found: Q =  199
possible largest subset found: Q =  179
largest subset found: q = 179
number of 0's in found largest subset: 0
-->Mean and Dispersion of property NAKH920105 from -11 to -1
   Mean: 5.160518
   Dispersion: 1.620981
-->Mean and Dispersion of property NAKH920105 from 3 to 8
   Mean: 6.754227
   Dispersion: 2.293874
-->Mean and Dispersion of property NAKH920105 from 10 to Sequence C-end
   Mean: 12.352371
   Dispersion: 1.574704
-->Mean and Dispersion of property NAKH920105 from 26 to Sequence C-end
   Mean: 12.438834
   Dispersion: 2.486604
-->Mean and Dispersion of property HAGECH94_V from 3 to 8
   Mean: 128.081006
   Dispersion: 17.788892
-->Mean and Dispersion of property  at position(s) -1 0 1 2 
   number of selected entries: 179
   Mean : 387.924581
   Dispersion:  42.590177
-->Mean and Dispersion of property  at position(s) -1 1 2 
   number of selected entries: 179
   Mean : 295.101117
   Dispersion:  35.890074
-->Mean and Dispersion of property  at position(s) -1 1 
   number of selected entries: 179
   Mean : 204.563128
   Dispersion:  34.443513
-->Mean and Dispersion of property  at position(s) -1 2 
   number of selected entries: 179
   Mean : 203.845251
   Dispersion:  33.012402
-->All flags were switched on.

-->Switch_Off_Tax: number of entries before procedure : 388
-->Flags of all entries except Viridiplantae switched off
-->Switch_Off_Tax: number of entries after procedure : 219

-->Switch_Off_Len: number of entries before procedure : 219
-->Flags of all entries with AALen-GPIPos > 32 switched off
-->Flags of all entries with AALen-GPIPos < 17 switched off
-->Switch_Off_Len: number of entries after procedure : 219

NSubFam = 88
  0.4   0.1   0.3  -0.1   0.6   0.4   0.4   0.2   0.7   0.7   0.7   0.5   0.1   0.1   0.2 
  0.3   1.6   1.7   0.4   0.4   0.3   0.6   0.7   0.8   0.0   0.8   0.5   0.2   1.1   0.8 
  1.0   1.0   0.9   0.9   0.8   0.8   0.8   0.5   0.8   0.3   0.3 
  0.3   0.5   0.4   0.0  -0.2   0.3  -0.7  -1.3  -3.1  -0.6  -1.3  -0.6  -2.5  -1.3  -4.6 
 -6.1  -5.5  -1.3  -1.3   0.3  -0.9   0.0  -0.2  -0.6   0.1  -0.2  -0.6  -0.2  -1.3  -0.2 
  0.5  -0.2  -1.3  -0.2   0.6  -1.3   0.1  -0.5  -1.1  -0.3  -0.7 
  0.7   0.3   0.1   0.1  -0.2   0.1  -0.1   0.2   0.3   0.3  -0.4  -0.8   0.2  -0.4  -0.8 
  0.1  -0.5  -1.6  -1.0  -2.4  -1.3  -1.3  -4.5  -1.7  -1.7  -4.8  -2.4  -4.9  -4.5  -5.2 
 -5.0  -2.4  -5.7  -5.4  -5.0  -5.1  -5.1  -4.6  -2.2  -2.0  -4.3 
 -0.3  -0.2  -0.6  -1.0  -0.2  -0.6  -1.2  -0.7  -1.2  -1.4  -0.0  -0.4  -0.5  -0.9  -0.5 
 -6.1  -1.8  -5.7  -0.8  -0.8  -1.9  -2.6  -4.5  -1.4  -3.8  -4.8  -4.9  -4.9  -2.5  -5.2 
 -5.0  -5.3  -5.7  -5.4  -5.0  -5.1  -5.1  -4.6  -3.6  -4.4  -4.3 
 -0.3  -1.0  -0.5  -1.0  -0.7  -1.0  -0.2  -0.5  -0.7  -0.5  -1.0  -1.4  -1.0  -0.5  -2.1 
 -6.1  -2.1  -5.7  -0.2  -2.1   0.2  -0.0   0.3   0.7   0.9   0.8   0.6   0.7   0.7   0.6 
  0.1   0.6   0.7   0.7   0.6   1.4   1.5   1.2   1.1   0.9   1.3 
  0.3   0.5   0.6   0.6   0.4   0.4   0.4   0.2   0.2   0.3  -0.2   0.1   0.2  -0.4   0.6 
  0.9   1.1   1.1   0.4   0.1   0.2   0.5  -0.1   0.5   0.5   0.3   0.5   0.1  -0.3  -0.7 
 -0.0  -0.2  -0.1  -0.2  -0.6  -0.2  -0.2  -1.9  -0.7  -0.5  -0.7 
 -0.1  -0.1  -0.8  -0.4  -2.7  -1.5  -2.7  -0.4   0.1   0.0  -1.5  -1.5   0.3  -0.4  -0.4 
 -6.1  -5.5  -5.7   0.6  -0.2  -0.4   0.3  -0.1  -0.1  -0.1  -4.8  -1.5  -1.5  -0.8  -5.2 
 -0.8  -5.3  -5.7  -1.5  -0.8  -1.5  -5.1  -0.3  -1.3   0.8   0.5 
 -0.8  -0.5  -0.7  -0.9  -1.1  -0.7  -2.5  -0.5  -1.8  -1.1  -1.7  -0.8  -1.1  -0.8  -1.0 
 -6.1  -5.5  -5.7  -0.8  -0.7   0.0  -0.5  -0.3  -1.1   0.2  -0.8  -0.2   0.2   0.1   0.3 
 -0.6  -0.2   0.4  -0.1   0.3  -0.0   0.2  -0.3   0.3   0.2   0.2 
 -0.3  -0.7  -0.5  -0.2  -0.1  -0.8  -0.1  -0.5  -0.8  -0.6  -0.7  -0.3   0.0   0.2  -0.2 
 -6.1  -5.5  -5.7  -0.5  -0.1  -0.6  -0.1  -0.8  -1.2  -1.1  -1.8  -1.1  -2.5  -4.5  -5.2 
 -2.5  -5.3  -5.7  -5.4  -5.0  -1.4  -1.8  -2.4  -2.3  -4.4  -1.9 
 -1.2  -0.9  -0.5  -0.7  -1.2  -1.4  -1.2  -1.2  -1.0  -1.6  -1.0  -0.9  -1.0  -0.5  -4.6 
 -6.1  -5.5  -5.7  -0.6   0.0   0.2  -0.7  -0.7  -0.5   0.3   0.8   1.0   0.8   1.0   1.2 
  0.9   1.0   1.1   1.1   0.9   1.1   1.1   1.3   1.3   1.3   0.9 
 -0.6  -0.6  -2.9  -0.3   0.1  -0.1  -1.7  -0.3  -1.0  -0.3  -0.9  -0.6  -0.6  -1.0  -4.6 
 -6.1  -5.5  -5.7   0.3   0.1  -0.3   0.1   0.1  -1.0  -0.3  -1.0  -0.3  -0.1  -0.0  -0.3 
  0.4   0.4   0.4   0.7   0.8   0.3  -0.2  -0.2  -0.4   0.1   0.8 
 -0.8   0.5  -0.3  -0.3  -0.3  -0.4  -0.1  -0.3  -0.2  -1.5  -0.1  -0.0  -0.6  -0.8   0.4 
  1.2  -1.5  -1.1  -0.1  -0.0  -0.0   0.4  -0.4   0.1  -0.6  -4.8  -4.9  -4.9  -1.5  -2.2 
 -5.0  -0.8  -5.7  -5.4  -5.0  -5.1  -2.2  -4.6  -1.3  -1.8  -1.6 
  1.0   1.1   0.8   1.0   1.1   1.2   1.2   1.4   0.9   1.4   1.4   1.2   1.2   1.3   1.2 
 -6.1  -1.0  -1.6   0.1   0.0   0.1  -0.6   0.5  -0.1  -0.0   0.2  -0.5  -0.4  -1.2  -2.3 
 -0.7  -0.3  -5.7  -2.3  -1.2  -5.1  -1.6  -1.1  -1.4  -4.4  -4.3 
 -0.3  -1.4  -0.3  -0.5  -0.2   0.0  -0.5  -0.2  -0.4  -0.2   0.2   0.4  -1.0  -0.4  -1.4 
 -6.1  -1.0  -2.1  -1.0  -1.0  -1.4  -1.4  -0.2  -1.0  -0.2  -2.1  -4.9  -4.9  -2.1  -2.1 
 -1.4  -5.3  -5.7  -5.4  -1.4  -5.1  -5.1  -2.0  -0.8  -1.1  -4.3 
 -1.4  -0.6  -0.6  -0.9  -0.6  -0.6  -2.5  -1.1  -0.5  -0.9  -0.4  -0.6  -0.7  -0.7  -1.1 
 -6.1  -5.5  -5.7   0.2   0.4   0.3   0.4   0.0   0.1  -0.2  -2.5  -4.9  -1.8  -2.5  -5.2 
 -5.0  -5.3  -5.7  -5.4  -2.5  -2.5  -5.1  -1.0  -2.3  -0.1  -1.2 
  0.7   0.9   0.7   0.8   0.6   0.4   0.9   0.7   0.6   0.7   0.5   0.9   0.8   0.9   1.2 
  2.0   1.5   1.2   0.9   1.0   0.6   0.6   0.7   0.8   0.6   0.1   0.5   0.3   0.2   0.4 
  0.2  -0.6  -0.3   0.1   0.1  -0.0  -0.0  -0.1   0.0  -0.4   0.5 
  0.3  -0.3   0.5   0.5   0.2   0.4   0.6   0.0   0.6   0.0   0.5   0.2   0.4   0.7   0.6 
 -6.1  -1.4  -0.1   0.3   0.4   0.1  -0.0   0.3  -0.1  -0.2  -0.0  -0.2  -0.0  -0.7  -0.5 
 -0.3  -0.4  -0.4  -0.5  -0.7  -0.6  -1.8  -1.7  -2.3  -0.7  -1.2 
 -1.0  -0.8  -0.5  -0.4  -0.7  -0.6  -0.3  -0.3  -0.0  -0.7  -1.5  -1.2  -0.4  -0.7  -1.0 
 -6.1  -1.5  -1.2  -0.4  -0.7   0.5   0.1   0.3  -0.1   0.1   0.8   0.6   1.1   0.6   0.9 
  0.9   0.9   1.0   0.8   0.9   0.4   0.5   0.8  -0.1  -0.1   0.6 
 -2.2  -1.0  -1.1  -2.3  -0.3  -1.0  -1.0  -1.0  -3.1  -2.2  -1.0  -2.2   0.5  -1.0  -4.6 
 -6.1  -5.5  -5.7  -0.4  -1.1  -1.0  -0.4  -4.5   0.4   0.4   0.8  -1.0   0.7  -4.5  -5.2 
 -0.3  -0.4  -5.7  -0.3  -0.3  -0.3  -0.3  -0.2   0.8   0.6  -0.4 
 -0.3  -1.2  -1.9  -0.2  -0.5   0.2  -0.8  -0.3  -0.8  -0.3   0.3  -0.3  -0.8  -0.1  -1.2 
 -6.1  -5.5  -5.7  -0.5  -1.9  -1.2  -1.2  -0.5  -0.3  -0.1  -1.2  -1.2  -0.8  -1.9  -1.9 
 -1.9  -5.3  -5.7  -1.9  -0.3  -0.3  -1.8  -0.4  -0.6  -0.4  -0.2 

ConsensSequence: p s s s a p s p a p p s p p s S a a s s s a a a l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l

Positions with profile component > 1.0 for all amino acid types
Ala  1 2 13
Phe  20 21 22 23 25
Gly  1 2
Leu  14 16 17 18 20 21 22 23 24
Asn  0
Pro  -15 -14 -12 -11 -10 -9 -8 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1
Ser  -1 0 1 2 4
Val  12

Parameters for score calculation:
TaxonCode: 10000
Calculation of profile:
   number of input sequences: 219
   number of regions: 5
   1: from                :  -15
      to                  :  -12
      weight of region    :  0.0
   2: from                :  -11
      to                  :   -2
      weight of region    :  0.5
   3: from                :   -1
      to                  :    2
      weight of region    :  3.0
   4: from                :    3
      to                  :    9
      weight of region    :  0.5
   5: from                :   10
      to                  :   25
      weight of region    :  1.0
   weight of profile      :  0.6
omega-site will be searched in interval [12..40] from C-terminal

Function 0 = Combi_contents_win_penalty : contents and windows of DE in N-terminal region
   ScFunc[0].from         =           -11
   ScFunc[0].to           =            -1
   ScFunc[0].PropertyName =            DE sections
   ScFunc[0].par1         =         -4.00 penalty
   ScFunc[0].par2         =         50.00 threshold: percentage of DE in N-terminal region
   ScFunc[0].par4         =             3 winlen
   ScFunc[0].par5         =             2 par5 DEs are max allowed per window if par2 is exceeded
   ScFunc[0].wfunc        =          1.00

Function 1 = Lower_Average : hydrophilicity of N-terminal region [-11..-1]
   ScFunc[1].from         =           -11
   ScFunc[1].to           =            -1
   ScFunc[1].PropertyName =    NAKH920105 hydrophobicity scale
   ScFunc[1].par1         =          5.16 mean hydrophobicity for N-terminal region was calculated
   ScFunc[1].par2         =          1.62 dispersion was calculated
   ScFunc[1].wfunc        =          1.00
   ScFunc[1].distr_type   =       F_GAUSS

Function 2 = PenaltyForBadProfile : penalty for bad Omega-Site
   ScFunc[2].from         =             0
   ScFunc[2].to           =             2
   ScFunc[2].par1         =          0.10 threshold
   ScFunc[2].par2         =         -4.00 penalty
   ScFunc[2].wfunc        =          1.00

Function 3 = Sum : volume function
   ScFunc[3].from         =            -1
   ScFunc[3].to           =             2
   ScFunc[3].PropertyName =    HAGECH94_V mean volume of residues
   ScFunc[3].par1         =        387.92 mean volume was calculated
   ScFunc[3].par2         =         42.59 dispersion was calculated
   ScFunc[3].wfunc        =          1.00
   ScFunc[3].distr_type   =       F_GAUSS

Function 4 = Sum3 : volume function for three positions
   ScFunc[4].from         =            -1 Position 1
   ScFunc[4].to           =             2 Position 2
   ScFunc[4].PropertyName =    HAGECH94_V mean volume of residues
   ScFunc[4].par1         =        295.10 mean volume was calculated
   ScFunc[4].par2         =         35.89 dispersion was calculated
   ScFunc[4].par4         =             1 Position 3
   ScFunc[4].wfunc        =          1.00
   ScFunc[4].distr_type   =       F_GAUSS

Function 5 = Sum2 : volume function for two positions
   ScFunc[5].from         =            -1 Position 1
   ScFunc[5].to           =             1 Position 2
   ScFunc[5].PropertyName =    HAGECH94_V mean volume of residues
   ScFunc[5].par1         =        204.56 mean volume was calculated
   ScFunc[5].par2         =         34.44 dispersion was calculated
   ScFunc[5].wfunc        =          0.50
   ScFunc[5].distr_type   =       F_GAUSS

Function 6 = Penalty_Mobility : penalty for more than one residue out of P, T, V, I
   ScFunc[6].from         =            -1
   ScFunc[6].to           =             2
   ScFunc[6].PropertyName =          PTVI residues
   ScFunc[6].par1         =         -4.00 penalty
   ScFunc[6].wfunc        =          1.00

Function 7 = C_Position : penalty, if site is outside of interval[] relative to C-terminal
   ScFunc[7].from         =            17
   ScFunc[7].to           =            32
   ScFunc[7].par1         =          0.50 lambda (x < from)
   ScFunc[7].par2         =          1.00 lambda (x > to)
   ScFunc[7].wfunc        =          4.00
   ScFunc[7].distr_type   =   F_BOLTZMANN

Function 8 = Lower_Average : hydrophilicity of spacer region [3..8]
   ScFunc[8].from         =             3 (after omega-site)
   ScFunc[8].to           =             8
   ScFunc[8].PropertyName =    NAKH920105 hydrophobicity scale
   ScFunc[8].par1         =          6.75 mean hydrophobicity for spacer region was calculated
   ScFunc[8].par2         =          2.29 dispersion was calculated
   ScFunc[8].wfunc        =          2.00
   ScFunc[8].distr_type   =       F_GAUSS

Function 9 = Lower_Average : function for spacer volume (mean for positions 3..8)
   ScFunc[9].from         =             3 (after omega-site)
   ScFunc[9].to           =             8
   ScFunc[9].PropertyName =    HAGECH94_V mean volume of residues
   ScFunc[9].par1         =        128.08 mean volume for spacer region was calculated
   ScFunc[9].par2         =         17.79 dispersion was calculated
   ScFunc[9].wfunc        =          1.00
   ScFunc[9].distr_type   =       F_GAUSS

Function 10 = Charged_AA_Penalty_Spacer : penalty for charged AA (DEKRH) in spacer (H=2/3)
   ScFunc[10].from         =             3
   ScFunc[10].to           =            11
   ScFunc[10].par1         =         -4.00 penalty
   ScFunc[10].par4         =             3 threshold: max number of charged AA in spacer
   ScFunc[10].wfunc        =          1.00

Function 11 = Flexibility_Spacer : contents of PVI in spacer
   ScFunc[11].from         =             3
   ScFunc[11].to           =             8
   ScFunc[11].par1         =         -4.00 penalty
   ScFunc[11].par4         =             4 par4 non-flexible residues are max allowed
   ScFunc[11].wfunc        =          1.00

Function 12 = PenaltyForBadProfile : penalty for bad profile in hydrophobic tail
   ScFunc[12].from         =            10
   ScFunc[12].to           =   PROFILE_END
   ScFunc[12].par1         =          0.20 threshold
   ScFunc[12].par2         =        -12.00 penalty
   ScFunc[12].wfunc        =          1.00

 Function 13 = Higher_Average: function for hydrophobic region [10..C_end] (for at least the par4=8 last AAs)
   ScFunc[13].from         =            10
   ScFunc[13].to           = SEQUENCE_CEND
   ScFunc[13].PropertyName =    NAKH920105 hydrophobicity scale
   ScFunc[13].par1         =         12.35 mean hydrophobicity for at least the 8 last AAs was calculated
   ScFunc[13].par2         =          1.57 dispersion was calculated
   ScFunc[13].par4         =             8 minimal length of hydrophobic region
   ScFunc[13].wfunc        =          1.00
   ScFunc[13].distr_type   =       F_GAUSS

Function 14 = Higher_Average : function for hydrophobic tail [26..C_end](for at least the par4=8 last AAs)
   ScFunc[14].from         =            26 (after profile-end)
   ScFunc[14].to           = SEQUENCE_CEND
   ScFunc[14].PropertyName =    NAKH920105 hydrophobicity scale
   ScFunc[14].par1         =         12.44 mean hydrophobicity for at least the 8 last AAs was calculated
   ScFunc[14].par2         =          2.49 dispersion was calculated
   ScFunc[14].par4         =             8 minimal length of tail for calculation of hydrophobicity parameters
   ScFunc[14].wfunc        =          1.00
   ScFunc[14].distr_type   =       F_GAUSS

Function 15 = Sliding_Window : penalty for too short even hydrophobic section
   ScFunc[15].from         =             9
   ScFunc[15].to           = SEQUENCE_CEND
   ScFunc[15].PropertyName =    NAKH920105 hydrophobicity scale
   ScFunc[15].par1         =          9.00 threshold for windows containig Leu (min mean window hydrophobicity)
   ScFunc[15].par2         =          6.00 threshold for windows without Leu
   ScFunc[15].par3         =        -12.00 penalty
   ScFunc[15].par4         =             4 winlen
   ScFunc[15].par5         =             5 min number of windows one after another
   ScFunc[15].wfunc        =          1.00

Function 16 = Post_Sliding_Window_Polar_Penalty : penalty for polar windows in the hydrophobic tail
   ScFunc[16].from         =            10
   ScFunc[16].to           = SEQUENCE_CEND
   ScFunc[16].PropertyName =    NAKH920105 hydrophobicity scale
   ScFunc[16].par1         =          1.50 minimum of mean hydrophobicity per window
   ScFunc[16].par2         =         -4.00 penalty
   ScFunc[16].par3         =          0.50 threshold for extreme windows
   ScFunc[16].par4         =             3 winlen
   ScFunc[16].wfunc        =          1.00

Function 17 = Post_Sliding_Window_SGC_Penalty : penalty for too long SGC - sections (len = par4) in hydrophobic tail
   ScFunc[17].from         =             9
   ScFunc[17].to           = SEQUENCE_CEND
   ScFunc[17].PropertyName =    NAKH920105 hydrophobicity scale
   ScFunc[17].par1         =        -12.00 penalty
   ScFunc[17].par2         =          8.20 threshold for hydrophobicity of a window with len=(winlen+1)
   ScFunc[17].par4         =             3 winlen
   ScFunc[17].par5         =             2 are max allowed per window 
   ScFunc[17].wfunc        =          1.00

Function 18 = LVI_contents : contents of Leu, Val, Ile in the hydrophobic tail
   ScFunc[18].from         =            10
   ScFunc[18].to           = SEQUENCE_CEND
   ScFunc[18].par1         =         15.00 threshold
   ScFunc[18].par2         =        -12.00 penalty
   ScFunc[18].wfunc        =          1.00

Function 19 = Combi_FWHY_contents_2win : penalty if more than 40% WHFY and 2 disconnected windows (l=4) with > 2 aromats
   ScFunc[19].from         =             9
   ScFunc[19].to           = SEQUENCE_CEND
   ScFunc[19].PropertyName =    ZVEL_AROMA WHFY sections
   ScFunc[19].par1         =         40.00 threshold: percentage of aromats in tail
   ScFunc[19].par2         =        -12.00 penalty
   ScFunc[19].par4         =             4 winlen
   ScFunc[19].par5         =             2 aromats are max allowed per window if par1 is exceeded
   ScFunc[19].wfunc        =          1.00

Function 20 = Sliding_Window : penalty for small (according to volume) windows in tail 
   ScFunc[20].from         =             9
   ScFunc[20].to           = SEQUENCE_CEND
   ScFunc[20].PropertyName =    HAGECH94_V volume scale
   ScFunc[20].par1         =        110.00 threshold (min mean window volume)
   ScFunc[20].par2         =        -12.00 penalty
   ScFunc[20].par4         =             4 winlen
   ScFunc[20].par5         =             5 min number of windows one after another
   ScFunc[20].wfunc        =          1.00

Function 21 = Sum2 : volume function for two positions
   ScFunc[21].from         =            -1 Position 1
   ScFunc[21].to           =             2 Position 2
   ScFunc[21].PropertyName =    HAGECH94_V mean volume of residues
   ScFunc[21].par1         =        203.85 mean volume was calculated
   ScFunc[21].par2         =         33.01 dispersion was calculated
   ScFunc[21].wfunc        =          0.50
   ScFunc[21].distr_type   =       F_GAUSS

Last modified: 7th February 2003