IMP GPI Lipid Anchor Project IMP-Bioinformatics

How to read the prediction results: prediction in complete genomes/chromosomes

Birgit Eisenhaber (MDC/IMP)
Peer Bork (MDC/EMBL)
Frank Eisenhaber (IMP)

Example of prediction results

ID: C01B9.2 	 Len: 211 1:C 193 Sc: 11.76 Pv: 6.579524e-03 2:C 194 Sc: 11.17 Pv: 6.812483e-03

Explanation of the prediction results

In the result line some informations about the entry are given (here entry name, sequence length).
This part is followed by the prediction of the best omega-site, its quality (A,B,C,D, or S for potential sites, I or N for no site), the best omega-site position, the associated total score and P-value (derived from an extreme value distribution). The best alternative position and the corresponding score and P-value are shown.

Last modified: 13th June 2002