IMP GPI Lipid Anchor Project IMP-Bioinformatics


big-PI Predictor
GPI Modification Site Prediction


Learning Set (Please, tick one radiobutton and select the parametrization/taxonomic range) :


To the taxon selection: If none of the taxanomic ranges apply, try both in independent runs. If the results agree, your protein appears GPI-anchored. Otherwise, interpret the result in your experimental context ... :-)

To the biological context condition: For being GPI-lipid anchor modified, the protein has to enter the endoplasmic reticulum in eukaryotes. Please, verify the biological context of your query protein, whether this condition is fulfilled in your case. Typically, the existence of a signal peptide leader is sufficient.

Protein sequence (FASTA-format, standard coding of the 20 natural amino acids, none ambiguous letters, no more than 500 amino acids per line):

    Please, refer to ...

  1. Eisenhaber B., Bork P., Eisenhaber F.
    "Sequence properties of GPI-anchored proteins near the omega-site: constraints for the polypeptide binding site of the putative transamidase"
    Protein Engineering (1998) 11, No.12, 1155-1161

  2. Sunyaev S.R., Eisenhaber F., Rodchenkov I.V., Eisenhaber B., Tumanyan V.G., and Kuznetsov E.N.
    "PSIC: Profile extraction from sequence alignments with position-specific counts of independent observations"
    Protein Engineering (1999) 12, No.5, 387-394

  3. Eisenhaber B., Bork P., Eisenhaber F.
    "Prediction of potential GPI-modification sites in proprotein sequences"
    JMB (1999) 292 (3), 741-758

  4. Eisenhaber B., Bork P., Yuan Y., Loeffler G., Eisenhaber F.
    "Automated annotation of GPI anchor sites: case study C.elegans"
    TIBS (2000) 25 (7), 340-341

Last modified 17th June, 2005