Links to Sequence Analysis Methods |
Protein Primary Sequence Analysis
Methods and algorithms for statistical analysis of protein sequences.
Brendel V, Bucher P, Nourbakhsh I, Blaisdell BE, Karlin S (1992)
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 89: 2002-2006
- SignalP
Identification of prokaryotic and eukaryotic signal peptidesand prediction of their cleavage sites.
Henrik Nielsen, Jacob Engelbrecht,Søren Brunak and Gunnar von Heijne (1997)
Protein Engineering 10, 1-6
Predicting Coled Coils from Protein Sequences
Lupas A, Van Dyke M and Stock J (1991)
Science 252:1162-1164
- big-PI
Prediction of potential GPI-modification sites in proprotein sequences
Eisenhaber B., Bork P., Eisenhaber F.
JMB 292 (3), 741-758
- TopPred2
Membrane Protein Structure Prediction, Hydrophobicity Analysis and the Positive-inside Rule
Gunnar von Heijne (1992)
J. Mol.Biol. 225, 487-494
A knowledge base for predicting protein localization sites in eukaryotic cells
Nakai K and Kanehisa M (1992)
Genomics 14, 897-911
- PredictNLS server
Finding Nuclear localization signals
Murat Cokol, Rajesh Nair and Burkhard Rost
EMBO Reports 1: 411-415
- PESTfind
Amino Acid Sequences Common to Rapidly Degraded Proteins: The PEST Hypothesis
Rogers S, Wells R, Rechsteiner M (1986)
Science 234, 364-368
Statistics of local complexity in amino acid sequences and sequence databases
Wootton, J. C. and S. Federhen (1993)
Computers in Chemistry 17:149-163.
SIMPLE34: an improved and enhanced implementation for VAX and Sun computers of
the SIMPLE algorithm for analysis of clustered repetitive motifs in nucleotide sequences
Hancock, J.M. and Armstrong, J.S. (1994)
Comput. Applic. Biosci., 10, 67-70
A streamlined random sequencing strategy for finding coding exons
Claverie J-M (1994)
Genomics 23:575-581
Multiple alignment using hidden Markov models
Eddy, S. R. (1995)
Ismb, 3, 114-20
The PROSITE database, its status in 1999
Hofmann K., Bucher P., Falquet L., Bairoch A (1999)
Nucleic Acids Res. 27:215-219
- IMPALA search of the L. Aravind signalling DB
IMPALA: Matching a Protein Sequence Against a Collection of PSI-BLAST-Constructed Position-Specific Score Matrices
Alejandro A. Schaffer, Yuri I. Wolf, Chris P. Ponting Eugene V. Koonin, L. Aravind, Stephen F. Altschul (1999)
Bioinformatics 15:1000-1011
Eukaryotic signalling domain homologues in archaea and bacteria - ancient ancestry and horizontal gene transfer.
Ponting, CP, Aravind L, Schultz, J, Bork, P, Koonin, EV (1999)
J. Mol. Biol. 289, 729-745
SCOP: a structural classification of proteins database for the
investigation of sequences and structures
Murzin AG, Brenner SE, Hubbard T, Chothia C (1995)
J. Mol. Biol. 247, 536-540
- PredictProtein server PHD: predicting one-dimensional protein structure by profile based neural networks
B Rost (1996)
Meth. in Enzym., 266, 525-539
- META server
Comment: all links to the META services (and the respective publications are in:
- Predator
Seventy-five percent accuracy in protein secondary structure prediction
Frishman D, Argos P
Proteins. 1997 Mar;27(3):329-35
Protein Family Database Search Engines
- Pfam
The Pfam Protein Families Database
Bateman A, Birney E, Durbin R, Eddy SR, Howe KL, Sonnhammer EL (2000)
Nucleic Acids Research 28:263-266
SMART, a simple modular architecture research tool: Identification of signalling domains
Schultz J, Milpetz F, Bork P, and Ponting, CP (1998)
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 95, 5857-5864
- Interpro
Conserved Domain Database
- Prints
- Blocks Searcher
- ProDom
- Pir