PTG: RASMOL scripts for the creation of Figs. 2 and 3

First, it is necessary to supply the structure of 1kul, e.g. to download the coordinate file "1kul.brk"here. As a next step, script files for RASMOL can be extracted from this page as they are bracketed between 'start' and 'end' (for example, in a file FIG2.scr). The call for the graphics program is

rasmol -script FIG2.scr

*********************** start **** script for Fig. 2
load 1kul.brk
wireframe false
cartoons true
background white
color structure
select 589-600
color greenblue
select 590
wireframe 0.1
spacefill 0.4
select 591
wireframe 0.1
spacefill 0.4
select 592-595
wireframe 0.1
spacefill 0.4
color green
select 597
wireframe 0.1
spacefill 0.4
color greenblue
select 599
wireframe 0.1
spacefill 0.4
color greenblue
select 589-600 & backbone
cartoons true
backbone false
color greenblue
select 543
wireframe 0.1
spacefill 0.4
color redorange
select 543 & Backbone
cartoons true
backbone false
color white
select 538-540
color white
************************* end **** script for Fig. 2

*********************** start **** script for Fig. 3
load 1kul.brk
wireframe false
cartoons true
background white
color structure
select 538-540
color white
select 519-526
color greenblue
select 563 & !backbone
wireframe 0.1
spacefill 0.4
color redorange
************************* end **** script for Fig. 3

Last modified: Feb 11 2000