Protein Information Pos. Myristoylation Motif Score Prob.FPP Prediction
SWISSPROT - 12643837 Probable mitochondrial import receptor subunit TOM40 homolog (Translocase of outer membrane 40 kDa subunit homolog) [Mus musculus] CD BLAST 2 GNVLAASSPPARPPPPT -0.624 0.009 TWILIGHT ZONE
SWISSPROT - 12230369 Probable mitochondrial import receptor subunit TOM40 homolog (Translocase of outer membrane 40 kDa subunit homolog) (Haymaker protein) (p38.5) [Homo sapiens] CD BLAST 2 GNVLAASSPPAGPPPPP -0.386 0.008 TWILIGHT ZONE
SWISSPROT - 12643867 Probable mitochondrial import receptor subunit TOM40 homolog (Translocase of outer membrane 40 kDa subunit homolog) [Drosophila melanogaster] CD BLAST 2 GNVLAASSGAPGSGASN 0.971 0.002 RELIABLE