IMP GPI Lipid Anchor Project IMP-Bioinformatics

Validation of GPI-modification site prediction with mutation data: Summary Table

Birgit Eisenhaber (IMP/Austria)
Peer Bork (MDC/EMBL)
Frank Eisenhaber (IMP/Austria)

Mutation prediction results
protein site tail rest with GPI-anchor no GPI-anchor accuracy
hGH-DAFx x x5/51/192.9%
hGH-DAF28x xx  3/3
hGH-xDAFxx x0/14/4
hGH-DAF29x group 1x  5/5  84.2%
hGH-DAF29x group 2x  0/21/2
hGH-DAF29x group 3x   10/10
hGH_VSGx  0/4 0.0%
PLAP Ix  14/1614/1784.8%
PLAP II x 2/34/575.0%
Folate Receptor Ixxx3/32/391.2%
Folate Receptor II x 8/8 
Folate Receptor III xx4/4 
Folate Receptor IV x 5/6 
Folate Receptor Vxxx6/7 
Folate Receptor VIx  2/21/1
ACES_HUMAN I  x6/64/4100.0%
ACES_HUMAN IIx  16/1914/1685.7%
CD46 (fusion)xxx26/352/570.0%
THY1  x4/42/385.7%
CAH4x  2/22/2100.0%
5'-NTD xx10/105/788.2%
miniPLAPx  3/3 100.0%
MP/uPARx  11/125/688.9%
LY6A xx4/54/861.6%
total    244/29383.3%

Last modified: 13th June 2002